“Arjuna said: My Lord! Thy words concerning the Supreme Secret of Self, given for my
blessing, have dispelled the illusions which surrounded me.
O Lord, whose eyes are like the lotus petal! Thou hast described in detail the origin and
the dissolution of being, and Thine own Eternal Majesty.
I believe all as Thou hast declared it. I long now to have a vision of thy Divine Form,
O Thou Most High!
If Thou thinkest that it can be made possible for me to see it, show me, O Lord of Lords,
Thine own Eternal Self.
Lord Shri Krishna replied: Behold, O Arjuna! My celestial forms, by hundred and thousands,
various in kind, in colour and in shape.
Behold thou the Powers of Nature: fire, earth, wind and sky; the sun, the heavens, the
moon, the stars; all forces of vitality and of healing; and the roving winds. See the myriad
wonders revealed to none but thee.
Here in Me living as one, O Arjuna, behold the whole universe, movable and immovable,
and anything else that thou wouldst see!
Yet since with mortal eyes thou canst not see Me, lo! I give thee the Divine Sight. See now
the glory of My Sovereignty.”
Sanjaya continued: “Having thus spoken, O King, the Lord Shri Krishna, the Almighty Prince of
Wisdom, showed to Arjuna the Supreme Form of the Great God.
There were countless eyes and mouths, and mystic forms innumerable, with shining ornaments and
flaming celestial weapons.
Crowned with heavenly garlands, clothed in shining garments, anointed with divine unctions, He
showed Himself as the Resplendent One, Marvellous, Boundless, Omnipresent.
Could a thousand suns blaze forth together it would be but a faint reflection of the radiance of the
Lord God.
In that vision Arjuna saw the universe, with its manifold shapes, all embraced in One, its Supreme
Thereupon Arjuna, dumb with awe, his hair on end, his head bowed, his hands clasped in
salutation, addressed the Lord thus:
Arjuna said: O almighty God! I see in Thee the powers of Nature, the various creatures of
the world, the Progenitor on his lotus throne, the Sages and the shining angels.
I see Thee, infinite in form, with, as it were, faces, eyes and limbs everywhere; no
beginning, no middle, no end; O Thou Lord of the Universe, Whose Form is universal!
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