“Lord Shri Krishna said: This imperishable philosophy I taught to Viwaswana, the founder
of the Sun dynasty, Viwaswana gave it to Manu the lawgiver, and Manu to King
The Divine Kings knew it, for it was their tradition. Then, after a long time, at last it was
It is the same ancient Path that I have now revealed to thee, since thou are My devotee and
My friend. It is the supreme Secret.
Arjuna asked: My Lord! Viwaswana was born before Thee; how then canst Thou have
revealed it to him?
Lord Shri Krishna replied: I have been born again and again, from time to time; thou too,
O Arjuna! My births are known to Me, but thou knowest not thine.
I have no beginning. Though I am imperishable, as well as Lord of all that exists, yet by
My own will and power do I manifest Myself.
Whenever spirituality decays and materialism is rampant, then, O Arjuna, I reincarnate
To protect the righteous, to destroy the wicked and to establish the kingdom of God, I am
reborn from age to age.
He who realises the divine truth concerning My birth and life is not born again; and when
he leaves his body, he becomes one with Me.
Many have merged their existences in Mine, being freed from desire, fear and anger, filled
always with Me and purified by the illuminating flame of self-abnegation.
Howsoever men try to worship Me, so do I welcome them. By whatever path they travel,
it leads to Me at last.
Those who look for success, worship the Powers; and in this world their actions bear
immediate fruit.
The four divisions of society (the wise, the soldier, the merchant, the labourer) were
created by Me, according to the natural distribution of Qualities and instincts. I am the
author of them, though I Myself do no action, and am changeless.
My actions do not fetter Me, nor do I desire anything that they can bring. He who thus
realises Me is not enslaved by action.
In the light of wisdom, our ancestors, who sought deliverance, performed their acts. Act
thou also, as did our fathers of old.
What is action and what is inaction? It is a question which has bewildered the wise. But
I will declare unto thee the philosophy of action, and knowing it, thou shalt be free from
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