“Arjuna questioned: My Lord! If Wisdom is above action, why dost Thou advise me to
engage in this terrible fight?
Thy language perplexes me and confuses my reason. Therefore please tell me the only
way by which I may, without doubt, secure my spiritual welfare.
Lord Shri Krishna replied: In this world, as I have said, there is a twofold path, O Sinless
One! There is the Path of Wisdom for those who meditate, and the Path of Action for those
who work.
No man can attain freedom from activity by refraining from action; nor can he reach
perfection by merely refusing to act.
He cannot even for a moment remain really inactive, for the Qualities of Nature will
compel him to act whether he will or no.
He who remains motionless, refusing to act, but all the while brooding over sensuous
object, that deluded soul is simply a hypocrite.
But, O Arjuna! All honour to him whose mind controls his senses, for he is thereby
beginning to practise Karma-Yoga, the Path of Right Action, keeping himself always
Do thy duty as prescribed, for action for duty’s sake is superior to inaction. Even the
maintenance of the body would be impossible if man remained inactive.
In this world people are fettered by action, unless it is performed as a sacrifice. Therefore,
O Arjuna, let thy acts be done without attachment, as sacrifice only.
In the beginning, when God created all beings by the sacrifice of Himself, He said unto
them: `Through sacrifice you can procreate, and it shall satisfy all your desires.
Worship the Powers of Nature thereby, and let them nourish you in return; thus
supporting each other, you shall attain your highest welfare.
For, fed, on sacrifice, nature will give you all the enjoyment you can desire. But he who
enjoys what she gives without returning is, indeed, a robber.’
The sages who enjoy the food that remains after the sacrifice is made are freed from all sin;
but the selfish who spread their feast only for themselves feed on sin only.
All creatures are the product of food, food is the product of rain, rain comes by sacrifice,
and sacrifice is the noblest form of action.
All action originates in the Supreme Spirit, which is Imperishable, and in sacrificial action
the all-pervading Spirit is consciously present.
Thus he who does not help the revolving wheel of sacrifice, but instead leads a sinful life,
rejoicing in the gratification of his senses, O Arjuna, he breathes in vain.
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